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my status

in Florida

im feeling.. as hell today!!!

Hii, it looks like you somehow stumbled onto my very own corner of the internet! This is just a space where i like to freely share and talk about the things i love n bring me joy! This website is probably always going to be under construction and such., at least for now... this website is very new!

Please enjoy your stay Smiley


finish the rest of THIS PAGE ...

add song recs archive page (i already wanna change current recs!!)

add last fm rss

finish favorites page

add my button somewhere in the mix

after im done w alla deese... worry about the rest of the site...

Current song/album rec(s)!


by Malcolm Todd
I LOVE malcolm todd . words cannot describe how much i enjoy this song let alone his entire discography.


Gave you all my love
by So!YoOn!
Holy crow does this song make me feel things...this entire album is incredible btw.